Today I was thinking...that Xournal was a great application when it was available in OS2006 (thanks to Etrunko's work to port it).
So ... why not try to port it to OS2008 (chinook) too ?
So I've been struggling for the whole afternoon with dependencies and recompilations on my scratchbox installation and well... I am very happy!!!
Xournal (0.4.1) works in my Scratchbox!!!
I "just" have to change target to ARMEL and try it on my tablet.
Unfortunately my girl is coming to pick me up and go home, so I will have to make the deb packages tomorrow.
Great ;^) Looking forward to test it
Sweet! Looking forward to checking it out!
I am sorry.. no packages today. I have spent a whole bunch of hours struggling with how to handle dependencies and how to properly make a .deb file. Unfortunately it's a lot more confusing than what I've thought before.
I hope I will be able to make a release tomorrow.
Weird that it's easier to make a program hildonized than actually releasinng it.
Just be more patient... thanks.
Thank you for doing the job, xournal is one of THE applications for my IT.
Yeah.. a fun job during my usual, luckily not so boring, job :)
Let's hope today I'll package it correcly.
I'm almost there guys...
I've sorted out the issues with packaging and repository.
I need to do more test. Hope to be able to make it available before the week end.
Thanks a lot!! This is really a killer app!!
It works just fine in scratchbox, but does not on the real device...
I need to dig the issue before making a public release...
Sorry for letting you wait guys.
Here it is: Xournal for OS2008
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